Gastronomy without compromises.

The restaurant was opened by Fanni Pallag and Dávid Pallag in December 2020 during the pandemic. Within a short time, the restaurant is one of the most popular new progressive "author's kitchen" concept of 2022.A friendly atmosphere, a clean bistro read by young chefs Dávid Pallag and Tamás Botos.The kitchen's way of thinking is definitely following the progressive trend, the use of ingredients focuses on local food, but the solutions and the way of preparing the dishes are modern, sometimes fusion ideas. The chefs' image of the modern bistro kitchen, the well-tuned flavours and the gastronomic instinct evident in the dishes, confidently set it apart from the average bistro.

About us they said

Forbes Magazin

"The gastronomic revolution will triumph if every town of 30,000 has a place like Rutin in Budaörs."

Bűvös Szakács

"Whitewashed corner house on the main street of Budaörs - street terrace, puritan interior. Decent wine selection, light and refreshing Hübris draught lager. Dávid Pallag and his wife's kitchen is self-described as offering "traditional Hungarian flavours", seamlessly blended with bruschetta with buffalo mozzarella or other and the After Work Jazz & Wine programme."
